Special Plenary Session in Spanish: “Los Pavimentos de Concreto en América Latina Sesión Especial” & ISCP’s Strong Latin America Involvement & Support

11thICCPlogoTEALHabrá una sesión plenaria especial en español en la 11ª Conferencia Internacional Sobre Pavimentos de Hormigón (11ª ICCP), San Antonio, Texas, 1 de agosto de 28 de septiembre de 2016: “Sesión Especial—Los Pavimentos de Concreto en América Latina Sesión Especial—Los Pavimentos de Concreto en América Latina”. La sesión especial se llevará a cabo el martes 30 de agosto de 17:45-19:30 en los salones de C-D. En la última década, Los pavimentos de hormigón han vuelto a la escena en los caminos y carreteras de América Latina. Este Taller se enfocará en mostrar las nuevas tecnología aplicadas y la experiencias reales sobre la incorporación de estas como alternativa. Se presentaran los casos de éxito  de México, Guatemala y Chile. Los presentadores serán los siguientes:
Ing. Juan Pablo CovarrubiasInventor y Director-TCPavements-Innovaçion en Pavimentos
Ing. Francisco Moreno Fierros Subdirector de Estudios, Proyectos y Desarrollo Tecnológico-CAPUFE, Mexico
Ing. Hugo Gonzalez Cementos Progreso, Gerente I+D Infraestructura-Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo, Guatemala

English translation: There will be a Special Plenary Session in Spanish at the 11th ICCP : “Special Session—Concrete Pavements in Latin America – Presented in Spanish”. The special session will be held on Tuesday, August 30 from 17:45 to 19:30 in salons C-D. In the last decade, concrete pavement roads—especially concrete pavement roads in Latin America—have returned to the spotlight. This workshop will focus on new technology, show applications, and focus on actual experiences of the incorporation of concrete pavements as an alternative. Success stories from Mexico, Guatemala and Chile will be highlighted. Presenters will include:
Ing. Juan Pablo Covarrubias, Sr., Executive Director-Litoral Ingenieria Ltda.
Ing. Francisco Moreno FierrosAssistant Director of Studies, Projects, and Development Technology-CAPUFE, Mexico
Ing. Hugo Gonzalez, Cementos Progreso, Manager-R & D Infrastructure-Center Research and Development, Guatemala

ISCP has been, and will continue to be, very involved in Latin America:

Strong Presence at the “Seminario Internacional de Pisos y Pavimentos de Hormigon 2016”. ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2016/06/21/lima-peru-iscp-banner-featured-at-seminar-seminario-internacional-de-losas-y-pavimentos-de-concreto-lima/.

1. After achieving various approvals that have marked the history of short slabs: the TCP® Technology (Thin Concrete Pavements), the Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo in Chile (Ministry of Housing and Urban Development) approved thinner concrete pavements with less joint spacing than traditional design. The 2016 specifications guide is NOW AVAILABLE: Código de Normas y Especificaciones Técnicas de Obras de Pavimentación: Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo Division Técnica de Estudio y Fomento Habitacional 2016 (Code of Standards and Technical Specifications 2016 Paving Works: Ministry of Housing and Urban Development: Study Technical Division and Housing Promotion 2016). ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2016/05/31/chile-important-approval-for-short-slab-system/.

2. ISCP Members & Directors in the “Pavement Committee” of ACCT:

3. Optimized Geometry TCP®Slabs—From Basic Roads to Major Highways in Chile: Concrete Pavements with optimized geometry (TCP) have been one of the main innovations applied by the Ministry of Public Works in Chile (MOP): ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/11/30/optimized-geometry-tcpslabs-from-basic-roads-to-major-highways/.

4. Covarrubias, Sr. Elected as ISCP Honorary Member Juan Pablo Covarrubias Torres, Sr. (Chile) was elected to Honorary Members of ISCP. Mr. Covarrubias is an internationally recognized concrete and concrete pavement expert who has contributed significantly towards the development of concrete pavement technology in Latin America for more than 40 years. ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/11/30/covarrubias-sr-elected-as-iscp-honorary-member/.

5. Pavimentos y Pisos De Hormigon, Instituto Del Cemento Y Del Hormigon De Chile (The Institute of Cement and Concrete Chile) (ICH), released an article titled “The Rebound of the Concrete Pavement Industry”. ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/09/02/the-rebound-of-the-concrete-pavement-industry-in-chile/.

6. 16 Videos Available of the day’s events of “ICH International One-Day Seminar”. Institute of Cement and Concrete of Chile (ICH) and ISCP held a one-day seminar on Monday, May 25, 2015 at the Hotel Neruda in Providencia, Santiago, Chile that provided a comprehensive look at the issues concerning construction practices for new and existing concrete pavements—with emphasis on the most critical issues during conservation and rehabilitation … ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/08/11/videos-available-ich-international-one-day-seminar/.

7. ICH International Seminar in Chile had Excellent Attendance. ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/06/25/ich-international-seminar-held-may-25-had-excellent-attendance/.
• ISCP pre-conference article (May 14, 2015): https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/05/14/ich-international-seminar-on-construction-concrete-pavement-rehabilitation-to-be-held-may-25/.
• “Galerías de Imágenes: Seminario Internacional Construcción y Rehabilitación con Pavimentos de Hormigón” (Photo gallery: International Seminar Construction and Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation): http://pavimentando.cl/index.php/nggallery/page/1?p=2924.
• ICH website: http://ich.cl/pavimentando/.
• Slide presentations: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0By5qNBJrb02CfjBTdldPM2tXUC1Gb3ZISWZ3SU9ydW0xbkpkQWpuSU90R0RjbS1NX1dNLVk&usp=sharing

8. The 3rd International Conference on Best Practices for Concrete Pavements paralleled the 57th Brazilian Concrete Congress and Conference, October 28-30, 2015 at the Centro de Convenções de Bonito, in the state of Mato Grosso Du Sol in Bonito, Brazil. Organized by the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Brazilian Concrete Institute (IBRACON); and partnered with the European Pavement Association (EUPAVE) and the Federal Aviation Association (FAA): ISCP article: (https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/07/15/3rd-international-conference-on-best-practices-for-concrete-pavements-to-be-held-during-57th-brazilian-concrete-congress-conference-october-28-30/).
• ISCP post-conference article: ICH International Seminar in Chile on May 25 Had Excellent Attendance. The goal of the seminar was to provide a comprehensive look at the issues concerning construction practices for new and existing concrete pavements—with emphasis on the most critical issues during conservation and rehabilitation. ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/06/25/ich-international-seminar-held-may-25-had-excellent-attendance/.

9. Design Workshops Held in Chile: OptiPave 2: Fundamentals & Use of Software. The Institute of Cement and Concrete Chile (ICH) and TCPavements collaborated and held a workshop, in 5 cities in Chile, that allowed the attendees to develop practical different case studies using the Optipave software. The goal was for attendees to acquire the necessary tools and calculations for concrete pavement structures with alternate uses of short concrete pavement slabs: ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/04/02/design-workshops-to-be-held-in-chile-optipave-2-fundamentals-use-of-software/.

“Concrete Pavement Innovation, Evaluation & Management Seminar” Held in Guatamala – Sponsored by : Cementos Progresos, Mixto Listo. The Concrete Pavement Innovation, Evaluation, and Management Seminar was held Thursday March 17, 2016 in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Sponsored by Cementos Progresos, Mixto Listo (Ready Mixed), and International Society of Concrete Pavements (ISCP), there were about 65 people in attendance. ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2016/03/25/concrete-pavement-innovation-evaluation-management-seminar-held-in-guatamala/.

20th Colombian Symposium on Pavement Engineering Announced: The 20th Colombian Symposium on Pavement Engineering will be held September 23-25, 2015 in Santa Marta, Colombia. The main theme of the XX Colombian Symposium on Pavement Engineering is “Government-industry-academia synergy to solve the problems of road infrastructure, and to enhance economic development and sustainability”. ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/04/13/20th-colombian-symposium-on-pavement-engineering-announced/.

Website Offers Abundance of Concrete Pavement Resources: Portal, News, Articles, Videos, Library, and more … The Concrete Pavement Website, “ViasConcretas Pavimentação Sustentabilidade” (Concrete Paving: Sustainable Roads) is a Concrete Routes Portal—a creation of the Brazilian Portland Cement Association (ABCP), through its Infrastructure area. Founded and maintained by the Brazilian cement industry since 1936—in order to take care of the production and application with quality Portland cement and by-building sub-systems and concrete pavement—the ABCP has become the main forum search and concrete pavement development in Brazil, following and promoting the use of this technology. ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/09/08/viasconcretas-website-offers-an-abundance-of-concrete-pavement-resources/.

SPANISH Publications:
1. Position Paper “Ensuring Healthy Competition Between pavement Industries Saves Public Money” now in Spanish . . . Diseño de Espesores Para Paveimentos de Hormigón en Carreteras y Calles Método de la Portalnd Cement Association (Thickness Design for Concrete Pavements on Highways & Streets PCA Method).

2. MDE (Medellín, Colombia) Performance Profile of Airport Pavement – slide photos. ISCP slideshow/article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2014/07/19/mde-medellin-colombia/).

3. Spanish ICH Concrete Overlay Manual Now Available: The Cement and Concrete Institute (ICH)—in cooperation with ISCP and the CP Tech Center—recently published a Spanish version of the center’s popular Guide to Concrete Overlays Sustainable Solutions for Resurfacing and Rehabilitating Existing Pavements—Sustainable Solutions for Resurfacing and Rehabilitating Existing Pavements (Third Edition). ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2015/09/18/now-available-spanish-ich-concrete-overlay-manual/.

4. Institudo del Cemento Portland Argentino (ICPA Argentina) released an exceptional (and FREE!) Spanish-language Manual for Design and Construction of Concrete Pavements: Manual de Diseño Y Construcción De Pavementos De Hormigón (Manual of Design and Construction of Concrete Pavements): ISCP article: https://www.concretepavements.org/2014/11/30/spanish-manual-design-construction-concrete-pavements/.

ISCP also has strong support from Latin America:
ISCP organizational members:
ASOCEM (former); Cementos Progreso; CEMEXDynatest, ICHTCPavements

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