Juan Pablo Covarrubias, Sr.

Honorary Member since 2016

Honorary Member since 2016

Juan Pablo Covarrubias T., P.E., Ph.D., has been the Executive Director and Inventor of TCPavements®-Chile since 2006. He was a team leader for the development of concrete response models for concrete pavements for HDM4 and is the inventor of Thin Concrete Pavement (TCP®– world patent no. 44820), which has been widely implemented in several countries in Central and South America. The TCP® design reduces AASHTO design thicknesses by 4 to 10 cm. He is an internationally recognized concrete and concrete pavement expert who has contributed significantly towards the development of concrete pavement technology in Latin America for more than 40 years. Since 2002, Dr. Covarrubias has also been a Part-time Professor-Universidad de los Andes—lecturing in engineering materials
Since 1992, he has also been the Executive DirectorLitoral Ingenieria Ltda., as well as a private consultant. As a consultant, his goal is to increase productivity in concrete general construction, by optimizing construction procedures. Dr. Covarrubias’ consultant topics have been:
a) Concrete pavement construction
b) General concrete construction.
c) Cracking in concrete structures.
His Specialties have been:
a) Concrete pavement design with TCP® design method
b) Industrial floors design
c) Consultancy in construction procedures in pavement, floors and general construction
d) Technical Specificactions for concrete structures.
Dr. Covarrubias was an active collaborator in the founding of ISCP in the late 1990’s and served on ISCP’s Board of Directors with great commitment and distinction for several terms. He was instrumental in helping to gain international acceptance for ISCP as a truly international professional organization.
From 1992 to 2007 (15 years), Dr. Covarrubias was President and CEO of the Chilean Cement and Concrete Institute—A non profit organization owned by the Chilean Cement Industry and the Contractor’s Chamber—working in concrete technology transfer to Chile.
From 1972 to 2007, Dr. Covurrubias was Associate Professor of Engineering-Catholic University of Chile for 20 years, and then part time for another 15 years. He lectured in concrete, materials, and management.
From 2002 to 2005, Dr. Covarriubias was on the ACI Board of Directors. Dr. Covarrubias was inducted as an ISCP Honorary Member in 2016.
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