AASHTO Washington Briefing Focuses on Investment & Key Issues; Remarks Videos Included

The annual American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Washington Briefing held the end of February 2019 focused on bipartisan support for the next surface transportation reauthorization bill and the critical need for investment. 

Click to go to ACPA’s YouTube videos #9-13

The four-day event provided 45 state departments of transportation, elected officials, administration officials, and industry representatives the opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions about transportation investment and other key issues.

During the event’s keynote address, Elaine ChaoU.S. Transportation Secretary  recalled the first time she and her family saw the Interstate highway system. She detailed recent federal investments in infrastructure, as well as the Administration’s commitment to infrastructure investment. She also commented on how the DOT “… is striving to make structural changes—streamlining the permit process so projects can be delivered more quickly while protecting the environment and maintaining safety standards.”
John Barrasso, Senate Environmental and Public Works (EPW) Chairman; Tom Carper, Ranking Member (RM); Peter DeFazio, House EPW Chairman; and Sam Graves, RM discussed their 2019 legislative priorities. The event also inluded a round-table and additional panel discussions.

To view recorded remarks by Secretary Chao and the Senate and House Transportation Committee Leaders, please go to:
ACPA’s “Public Policy and Funding” YouTube channel:
then scroll down to videos #9 through 13 on the playlist.

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