“TRIP” Report: U.S. Rural Roads & Bridges in Dire Need of Repairs

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According to a new report by The Road Information Program (TRIP), America’s rural transportation system is in dire need of repairs and modernization to correct deficiencies and continue to support economic growth. The report titled Rural Connections: Challenges and Opportunities in America’s Heartland evaluates the safety and condition of the nation’s rural roads and bridges and finds that the nation’s rural transportation system needs immediate improvements to address deficient roads and bridges, high crash rates, and inadequate connectivity and capacity. It says rural, non-Interstate routes accounted for 22% of all vehicle miles traveled in the U.S. in 2017. However, crashes on those routes resulted in 41% of the 37,133 traffic deaths.

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The chart (right) shows the states with the highest rate of rural pavements in poor condition, states with the highest share of rural bridges that are rated poor/structurally deficient, and states with the highest fatality rates on non-Interstate, rural roads.

The report finds that U.S.’s rural roads and bridges have significant deficiencies and are rated as follows:
• 15% Poor
• 21% Mediocre
• 17% Fair
• 47% Good

• 9% Poor/Structurally Deficient
—a rating that indicates there is significant deterioration to the major components of the bridge. Poor/structurally deficient bridges are often posted for lower weight or closed to traffic, restricting or redirecting large vehicles, including agricultural equipment, commercial trucks, school buses, and emergency services vehicles.
• 46% Fair—a rating that indicates the bridge’s structural elements are sound, but minor deterioration has occurred to the bridge’s deck, substructure or superstructure.

Significant improvements are needed, not only because of safety, but also to support the nation’s Heartland, which is a critical source of energy, food and fiber. With increases in population and growing employment, rural America is heavily reliant on the quality of its transportation system to sustain further growth, TRIP says.

For the article, please go to: http://www.tripnet.org/docs/Rural_Roads_National_TRIP_Release_05-22-2019.php
For the report (PDF) titled “Rural Connections: Challenges and Opportunities in America’s Heartland“, please go to: http://www.tripnet.org/docs/Rural_Roads_TRIP_Report_May_2019.pdf 

Founded in 1971, TRIP® of Washington, DC, is a nonprofit organization
that researches, evaluates and distributes economic and
technical data on surface transportation issues.

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