EUPAVE Position Paper: New Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Under Next Generation EU

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The European Concrete Pavement Association (EUPAVE)’s proposals in latest position paper. EUPAVE would like to ask national governments and EU institutions to consider the role that transport infrastructure, in particular roads, can play for a prompt recovery based on the European Green Deal and carbon neutrality by 2050. When designing national recovery and resilience plans and during the implementation of projects at a later stage, national governments and the European Commission are invited to take into consideration the following proposals…

1. For national and regional authorities, this is a unique opportunity to renovate and modernize aging infrastructures. Under “NextGenerationEU flagships”—particularly Recharge and Refuel—they should defend sustainable, accessible and smart transport infrastructures, including cyclist paths, freight corridors (e.g. dedicated truck lanes), parking areas, tramways and bus lanes.
2. Relevant authorities, including the Court of Auditors, could offer guidance to define the criteria of ‘most economic advantageous tender (MEAT)’ as the key for a true sustainable public procurement. EUPAVE strongly advocates for the inclusion of life-cycle criteria in the procurement process to grant contracts for recovery projects in the field of transport infrastructures.
3. EUPAVE is committed with innovation at the service of sustainability, and would eagerly share its know-how and experience with national and EU authorities during the recovery period. Innovative concrete paving:
• Reduce CO2 emissions from road transport due to their higher rigidity and albedo effect.
• Fully made with local raw materials
• Offer a long service life
• 100% recyclable
• Further contribute to a more ecological water cycle management
• Concrete roads show better resilience to climate change and extreme meteorological events
• Spreading in many regions in the world where it is given the possibility to compete

Innovative concrete paving
is THE game changer that the Green Deal and NextGenerationEU roads deserve!

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