12th ICCP 2021: Online Sep. 27-Oct. 1: NEW: 1-Page Printable Program Overview

The International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP) was originally to hold the
12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (12th ICCP) August, 2020 at
“The Depot”-Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
But, the global COVID-19 pandemic has continued to spread.
Taking into account the unprecedented health measures being taken globally,
the unpredictable international travel feasibility, and limited travel opportunities
for U.S. state agencies, the 12th ICCP Organizing Committee worked diligently
and found the best solution for conference attendees, venues, and the Society itself
to hold the 12th ICCP 2021 ONLINE September 27, 2021 to October 1, 2021!

ISCP is partnering with SB2 to utilize their VIRTUAL CAMPUS named “The Aggregate” to host this major international conference. Start the conference for a handy tutorial on “The Aggregate” and how to maneuver through the “conference hall”, attend the virtual rooms, and easily learn how to get the full virtual 12th Conference experience that has a wonderful program, moderators, speakers, sessions with:
98 TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS (Live & Recorded)—comprise comprehensive
and current coverage on concrete pavement technology
10 FOUR-HOUR WORKSHOPS—Unique online networking opportunities


Click to view and print “Printable Program”

The new “Printable Program” is a 1-page convenient overview of the schedule to print and have in front of you, on-hand during the 12th ICCP Virtual Conference! Click on image above and print the 1-page PDF for the complete schedule, go to: www.concretepavements.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/PRINTABLEPROG_FINAL.jpg
or go to the 12th ICCP web page and download under ‘program’ in the top right menu-scroll to ‘schedule overview’, and print: https://12thiccp.concretepavements.org


Click to go to 8-page PROGRAM

A NEW 8-PAGE PROGRAM SUMMARY BROCHURE (7 pages + 1 Notes page) is NOW AVAILABLE! Please click on image above to view, then click on appropriate links throughout for all important information and to view the FULL PROGRAM ONLINE! Updated Weekly! Click on image above or below, or go to: www.concretepavements.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/12thPROGRAMOctober1st.pdf



Click to enlarge.

The Student Pitch is an informal networking session for students registered at the virtual 12th ICCP 2021. A great opportunity to discuss your research with your peers!
• 2 slides in 2 minutes

• Each student explains their research (not a specific paper)
• What are you doing?
• Why is it important?

Everyone is Welcome!
Registration is not required for the Networking Session—It is included with your 12th ICCP 2021 registration.

For more information, see ISCP article titled “Calling ALL STUDENTS @the 12th ICCP: THE STUDENT PITCH! Sign Up NOW!”: https://www.concretepavements.org/2021/08/21/calling-all-students-the-12th-iccp-the-student-pitch-sign-up-now/


The ISCP is extremely grateful for the steadfast sponsorship of the conference and workshops provided by the following organizations. These organizations have been patient with the Society as we navigate the best path to provide high-quality technology transfer opportunities for our field during difficult times these past two years. Become a SPONSOR!! Please register now to become a SPONSOR by going to the sponsorship page. For all SPONSOR PAGE for 12th ICCP: https://12thiccp.concretepavements.org/conference-sponsors/
For QUESTIONS or more information on being an SPONSOR at the Virtual 12th International Conference on Concrete Pavements or future events, please contact:
Leif Wathne, Chair, Sponsorship-12th ICCP | Phone: +1.202.638.2272
E-mail: conference.sponsorships@concretepavements.org

for the ONLINE 12th ICCP 2021!!

For important links, please go to:
12th ICCP WEBSITE: https://12thiccp.concretepavements.org
PRINTABLE 1-PAGE PROGRAM: https://www.concretepavements.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/PRINTABLEPROG_FINAL.jpg
8-page PROGRAM SUMMARY: https://www.concretepavements.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/12thPROGRAMOctober1st.pdf
FULL PROGRAM: https://12thiccp.concretepavements.org/program/
STUDENT PITCH: https://12thiccp.concretepavements.org/studentpitch/
SPONSOR PAGE for 12th ICCP: https://12thiccp.concretepavements.org/conference-sponsors/
REGISTRATION: https://12thiccp.concretepavements.org/register/

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