CSHub Webinars On Demand: Most Recent Here & Past on CSHub YouTube Channel

MIT’s Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSHub)‘s recent October 28, 2021 webinar titled “Solving Climate Change and Social Inequities with Statistical Physics Tools”, is now available on demand. Click on video above to attend NOW!

This most-recent webinar is presented by Dr. Franz-Josef Ulm, Faculty Director-CSHub
Along with: Jake Roxon, Talal Mulla; Ipek Bensu Manay; ELli Vartziotis; Kostas Keremidis; Tina Vartziotis; Katya Boukin
Advisors: R. Kirchain-MIT; Y. Magnin-Total; R. Pellenq-CNRS; K. Ioannidou-CNRS; Kenneth Marc Strzepek-MITOS

Solutions to two of today’s greatest challenges—climate change and social inequity—may come from the smallest of scales. In this webinar, the CSHub Director explains how statistical physics tools can help predict and mitigate increasingly devastating natural hazards, such as floods, fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes. While first developed to study phase transitions in materials, statistical physics tools can now be deployed at a far greater scale: By discretizing characteristics of the built environment (streets, homes, structural members, and even materials) and analyzing them within the context of a broader ensemble (a region, city, or structure) they can provide new insights into hazard resilience. The statistical physics approach developed at CSHub is computationally efficient, yet broadly applicable. It can capture unanticipated wind load magnifications across regions, rapidly generate urban flood maps, and predict how structural and non-structural members contribute to the overall hazard resilience of structures. Crucially, it can also bridge these many scales to capture inequities in resilience across hazard-prone areas. Today’s crises of climate change and inequity have become increasingly entwined. This necessitates the development of novel approaches that consider both issues simultaneously. They believe statistical physics could be key in this endeavor.

For the webinar video titled “Solving Climate Change and Social Inequities with Statistical Physics Tools”, please go to: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wXVVzbO2jE

For any further questions regarding the work presented, please feel free to reach out to:
Dr. Ulm: E-mail: ulm@mit.edu or MIT-CSHub: cshub@mit.edu

For IMPROTANT LINKS, please go to:
CSHub RESILIENCE RESEARCH: https://mit.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9702f15d8426d29f5c62f2e8b&id=a421c06a38&e=8f5497873f
VIDEOS of all WEBINARS on MIT-CSHub‘s YouTube Channel: https://mit.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9702f15d8426d29f5c62f2e8b&id=aa6cbf1d6f&e=8f5497873f
SCHEDULE of UPCOMING WEBINARS: https://mit.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9702f15d8426d29f5c62f2e8b&id=73c978067b&e=8f5497873f

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