CP Tech Center New Guide!

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The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) released a new guide December 2021 titled “Quality Control for Concrete Paving: A Tool for Agency and Industry”, authored by Tara Cavalline, PhD, PE, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte), Gary Fick, The Transtec Group, and Al Innis, Consultant and Holcim. The material in this guide is presented in a manner that gives contractors the flexibility to develop their QC plans that accommodates their processes and procedures, while meeting agency requirements.

Quality control (QC) by contractors, concrete suppliers, and materials suppliers is an integral component of a transportation agency’s quality assurance (QA) program and supports the construction of quality concrete infrastructure. The guide is intended as a QC tool that both contractor and agency personnel can use on the job—at the batch plant, behind the paver, and at other locations.
CONTRACTORS will use this guide/incorporate the appropriate provisions into their operations to:
• Appropriate tools, processes, and procedures likely to meet agency requirements
• Improve or enhance their existing QC programs
• Improve or enhance their existing QC plans
AGENCY personnel/staff will familiarize themselves with:
• Components of a comprehensive QC plan for concrete paving projects
• Ways such a QC plan benefits agencies
• Recommendations for incorporating QC requirements into specifications
• Comprehensive QC plan for concrete paving projects
GUIDE provides:
• Background knowledge to help agency and contractor personnel understand the elements of an agency’s QA program
• Reasons why QC is an important part of that program

Topics discussed include:
• Common agency QC requirements
• Appropriate tools, processes, and procedures to meet these requirements
• Continuous improvement activities
• Benefits for contractors of good quality control, including:
—Higher efficiency and productivity
—Increased profit
—Safer operations

Good QC is a strategic investment. It enables increased efficiency and productivity—profit—for contractors as well as durable infrastructure for agencies. Ultimately, good QC leads to safe and long-lasting roads for the traveling public.

To download the new guide titled “Quality Control for Concrete Paving: A Tool for Agency and Industry”, please click on image above, or go to: https://cptechcenter.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4bf55bc365dca0e5c928442da&id=3d58696a7d&e=2945805a7f

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