IGGA Concrete Pavement Videos: Highlighting: Tom Van Dam: “Diamond Grinding & Sustainability”

A variety of International Grooving and Grinding Association (IGGA) videos are available on the IGGA YouTube channel, including this interview with Thomas Van Dam, Principal-NCE. He discusses the fact that diamond grinding refreshes a concrete pavement’s ability to capture carbon by reopening the pore structure and creating more surface area: www.youtube.com/watch?v=v96kmzcoRrw

Interview with Tom Van Dam, NCE: “Diamond Grinding & Sustainability”.
Click to watch YouTube Video

In the interview, Van Dam states, “Sustainability is a broad topic, where you keep the economic factors forefront. But, if you keep an equal footing, that’s the environmental and social. Diamond grinding hits all three of those incredibly well. … creating a surface that is safe (social), smoother (environmental), better fuel efficiency…”

For more YouTube IGGA concrete pavement videos,
please go to: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=IGGA+concrete+paving
For IGGA website, please go to: www.igga.net

For questions, please contact:
Kristin Dispenza, Account Manager-Advancing Organizational Excellence (AOE)
E-mail: kristin.dispenza@aoeteam.com

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